Hello there

Welcome! I’m Saeeda.

Making people feel.

I’m a writer and blogger from Trinidad.

Here, you will find many poems, life adventures and opinions on art and real events, told through a literary perspective.

About Me

My Story

As an introvert in a traditional environment of extroverts, I’ve had to carve my own path with confidence and resolve. From living as a freelance writer, delving into languages, experiencing the world as a sensitive, opinionated person and taking the roads less traveled by, every decision has been a learning experience.

My goal as a writer? In a world of desensitization by wars and brainwashing by noise and media headlines, to make people think for themselves. To make people feel.


Cambrian Period (2017)

This the first Chinese drama that I’ve ever completed, and despite the moments of not so great acting and deep sinkholes in the plot, the story itself is just so incredible that I was hooked from start to finish. A random clip had appeared on YouTube and not only was this guy was so cute…

Solo Travel to and through Malaysia: By A Sheltered Muslim Girl

I admit to a misleading title: I’m no conservative person, and I’ve lived abroad by myself for four months as an exchange student. But I am by all means a Sheltered Muslim Girl – institutionally religious parents, frequent religious events, and a home that has always been protective, and expectant. So how does one get…


Sometimes, pain can create some beautiful things.